Hey guys (and gals, of course :) - I wanted to make something crystal clear... realizing that I'm speaking to the choir here so it probably won't really apply to 99.99% of you, but nonetheless...
Look, my commitment to all members of the Four Percent is unprecedented.
The things I'm willing to do to make this group the best place in the world for entrepreneurs to grow and succeed are without limits.
My genuine desire to help each and every one of you succeed here is irrational.
The vision and where we're going is incredible.
I'm willing to anything and everything (that is legal, moral and ethical) to pull this off and provide an opportunity for all of us here that is of a magnitude none of us have ever seen before.
I'm willing to sacrifice time, resources, time away from family and even sleep (realizing that it may effect even health)..
Heck, I've been doing it for at least the lasts 6 months now.
But there's ONE thing I will NOT tolerate - IGNORANT STUPIDITY.
Let me explain what that is:
1. If you joined this group as either a free or pro level member and are poisoning other members with your "opinions" that are without grounds or facts. You heard somebody talk about somebody that talked about somebody that said there may be something shady going on with this "4% thing" and you're being so small minded and spread the garbage no knowing wether its true or not.
2. You read a bad review about the 4% group by some blogger that is bashing us only to pitch his deal instead. (Oh, and if you check their link, in most cases they're promoting Wealthy Affiliate or some other "deal" and they're so desperate that they are willing to put others down to try to grab their traffic instead of learning how to do real marketing) - and instead of thinking for yourself, you are easily being influenced by these "garbage peddlers" - bringing your "poisoned" thoughts into the group - you're being a cancer and I'm NOT going to tolerate that.
3. If you're being a "shark" - hitting people up privately and trying to take them to something else you're doing by pretending to be "nice" or "helpful" .
4. If you're having a bad day and bring that attitude inside the group with you, spreading bad vibes onto others.
5. If you're doing any kind of activity that is destructive to the group - we will take you out like yesterdays garbage without warning.
Am I being harsh? Yes, heck yes.
But in order for us to do incredible things, we must be incredibly protective of the vision and everybody that is part of it.
We don't need any bad apples in the barrel.
We don't need anything that might stink quietly sitting in the corner.
We don't need any "crap magnets" here because it will be hard to drag them with us as we gain speed.
We don't need ANYBODY that does not want to belong here.
We don't need to convince people to join us, ever.
Looks, the beautiful thing about being an entrepreneurs is you're 100% FREE. Nobody is holding anybody.
But if you're here, you will either be 100% with us or you will be 100% out. 90% in won't cut it, 95% in and 5% out won't cut it either.
Please evaluate yourself where you stand and make your decision fast. For your sake.
As for those of you onboard 100% - we will do incredible things.
Things none of us have ever seen or experienced before.
We're onto something great here and we can't mess it up. We won't mess it up.
We can make a giant positive impact in the world, literally touching and impacting millions of lives.
We must be irrational about this vision and protect it like you protect an apple of your eye.
Don't let anybody mess with your vision, your dream, your future.
With that said, I must also say that there will be rocks thrown at us as we move forward.
There will be sharp arrows flying in our direction from a bunch of "competitors and jealous, failing "wanna-be's" ..
We will encounter great challenges as we carry this vision on.
There will be bumps in the road.
But guess what - none of that matters.
We will overcome every obstacle, every challenge.
We will protect each other like you protect your closes ones, somebody you love to death.
We will fight like there's no tomorrow and win.
Together we will leave our mark in the world.
We have people here from over 100 countries!
It is our DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY to carry this vision forward.
YOU are a 4%er.
Let's do this together!
The attitude should be "all in" or "all out". PERIOD.
I don't know about you but I'm GOING FOR IT.
Here's to YOUR future,
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